Celebrating Bytown Voices' 25 years of choral singing !
Coming up
Tickets available on website February 2025
What is Bytown Voices?
The Bytown Voices is a non-audition (i.e., no tests to prove your vocal competency) community choir. The choir has sung continuously since 1999.
Made up of more than 80 enthusiastic singers from across the national capital region (ON/QC). The choir is SATB: sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
We also welcome children from ages 9 (grade 4) and up.
The only requisite to join is to have a love of music and singing.
The choir practices each Tuesday evening during the session from 7:30 pm tp 9:30 pm. Practices take place at St. Basil's Church, 940 Rex Ave off Maitland just north of the Queensway. The first rehearsal of the 2025 Winter-Spring session is Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Between weekly rehearsals, members are expected to set aside time to do home-practice using the learning aids provided.
We perform two concerts per year, with additional outreach concerts at seniors' residences and long- term care facilities.
Masks are no longer required for practices or concerts but all choir members are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated and to stay home when sick.
What do we sing?
Bytown Voices has a varied repertoire from various time periods, styles, cultures, languages and degrees of difficulty. As a non-audition and inclusive choir, the membership ranges from people singing in a choir for the first time to experienced musicians. Most importantly, many new members become long-time members dedicated to the community.
Our artistic director, Joan Fearnley, is an engaging conductor committed to bringing out the best in each member. Her music choices are thoughtful and varied with something for everyone and she will send you home enriched, energized and humming a tune after rehearsal. Joan is supported by our excellent pianist, Carla Klassen, our music team associate Devon Wastle-Thivierge, and our children's mentor Mélanie Hartshorn-Walton, as well as a dedicated volunteer executive board and volunteers from the choir and community.
The Bytown Voices Community Choir has made a transition to a multi-generational choir model. The new model includes children (age 9 and up) and a better representation in the broad range of generation groupings: Silent-1925-1945; Boomers-1946-1964; Gen Y-1965-1979; Millennials-1980-1994; Gen Z-1995-2012; Alpha 2013-2025.
To see the full 24 year repertoire just CLICK HERE
For information about choir membership contact us at bytownvoices@gmail.com
Shadows and Light
December 4, 2024
Knox Presbyterian Church
Photos: Graeme Conn
For the 24 year concert music list from 1999 Click here
2024-2025 Season
Celebrating 25 years of making music!
Two sessions per year:
Fall and Winter-Spring
Adults $125 / session | Children $60 / session
If you are interested in joining Bytown Voices, review the homepage,
then send an email to
Updated Sept2024